

Prins and Dingemanse mussels, the connoisseur mussel, Golden size, with a creamy and slightly salty flavor. 1,100 kg of mussels per person with mosselsaus and homemade mayonnaise and fresh fries. * +8€ is the supply in case of menu.
  • Mussels Fishermen’s Style (+8€)*

    Nature Mussels
  • Mussels Provençale (+8€)*

    Tomato Sauce with Paprika
  • Mussels Manu (+8€)*

    Mussels with Fish Stock
  • Mussels with Garlic (+8€)*

  • Mussels with Ginger and Garlic (+8€)*

    Ginger and Garlic
  • Mussels Indonesian style (+8€)*

    Garlic, Lemongrass, Ginger and Soja Saus
  • Mussels Brésiliennes (+8€)*

    Mussels with Batida de Coco, Curry, Ginger, Coriander and Cream
  • Mussels Ardennaise (+8€)*

    Mussels with Bacon, Mushrooms and Cream
  • Mussels Stink Puut (+8€)*

    Herve Cheese, Ardennes Ham and Cream
  • Mussels Normande (+8€)*

    With Cream
  • Mussels Chef (+8€)*

    Mussels with Fish Stock and Cream
  • Mussels Brabançonne (+8€)*

    Mussels with Belgian Chicory and Cream
  • Mussels Crème et Ail (+8€)*

    Garlic and Cream
  • Mussels Curry Crème (+8€)*

    Curry and Cream
  • Mussels Orientale (+8€)*

    Mussels with Saffron and Cream
  • Mussels Fines Herbes et Crème (+8€)*

    Mussels with Herbs and Cream
  • Mussels au Vin Blanc (+8€)*

    Mussels with Wine
  • Mussels Vin Blanc Crème (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Wine and Cream
  • Mussels Dijonnaise (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Wine, Cream and Mustard
  • Mussels Sambre et Meuse (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Wine, Tarragon, Tomato and Cream
  • Mussels Bruxelloise (+8€)*

    Mussels with Cantillon Gueuze Beer, Bacon and Mushrooms
  • Mussels Diables Rouges (+8€)*

    Mussels with Lager Beer, Red Hot Chili and Cream
  • Mussels à la Blanche (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Beer
  • Mussels Courageuses (+8€)*

    Mussels with Modeste beer, Garlic, Carrott, Ginger and Bacon
  • Mussels Hoegarden (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Beer, Belgian Chicory and Cream
  • Mussels Pastis (+8€)*

    Mussels with Pastis and Tomato Sauce
  • Mussels à l'Indienne (+8€)*

    Mussels with Red Curry
  • Mussels 4 Fromages (+8€)*

    Mussels with Gorgonzola, Gruyère, Goat Cheese, Blue Cheese and Bacon
  • Mussels Diable ! (+8€)*

    Mussels with Fresh Hot Chili Peppers and Cream
  • Mussels Ail Vin Blanc et Crème (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Wine, Cream and Garlic
  • Mussels Pili (+8€)*

    Mussels with Fresh Hot Chili Pepers
  • Mussels Congolaise (+8€)*

    Mussels with African Peppers
  • Mussels " Zinneke " (+8€)*

    Mussels with Belgian Chicory, Cream and Tomato
  • Mussels à l'Italienne (+8€)*

    Tomato and Oregano Sauce
  • Mussels au Curry (+8€)*

    Mussels with Yellow Curry
  • Mussels Samouraï (+8€)*

    Mussels with Saké and Fresh Hot Chili Peppers
  • Mussels Estragon Crème (+8€)*

    Mussels with Tarragon and Cream
  • Mussels Archiduc (+8€)*

    Mussels with Mushrooms, Cream and Cognac
  • Mussels Canebière (+8€)*

    Pastis, Provençal Sauce and Pili-pili
  • Mussels Olivia (+8€)*

    Lobster Stock, French Espelette Pepper, White Wine and Parsley
  • Mussels Potagère (+8€)*

    Mussels with Herbs
  • Mussels Méridionale (+8€)*

    Mussels with Pastis, Provençale Sauce, Garlic and Cream
  • Mussels Jeanne d'Arc (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Wine, Cream, Mustard and Garlic
  • Mussels Basquaise (+8€)*

    Mussels with Cream, Tomato, French Espelette Pepper and Garlic
  • Mussels Poulette (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Wine, Cream Parsley and thyme
  • Mussels Gengis-Khan (+8€)*

    Mussels with Vodka, Paprika, Tomato and Cream
  • Mussels Ostendaise (+8€)*

    Mussels with Fish Stock, White Wine, Cream and Mushrooms
  • Mussels Belle-Mère (+8€)*

    Mussels with Malheur Beer, Green Peas and Bacon
  • Mussels Ail et Vin Blanc (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Wine and Garlic
  • Mussels Bossemans (+8€)*

    Mussels with Cognac, Mushrooms, Tomato and Cream
  • Mussels aux Piments Espelette (+8€)*

    Mussels with Cream and French Peppers
  • Mussels Homardine (+8€)*

    Mussels with Lobster Stock, Cream and Armagnac
  • Mussels à la Snob (+8€)*

    Mussles with Champagne and Thyme
  • Mussels Grand-Mère (+8€)*

    Mussels with Bacon, Mushrooms and White Wine
  • Mussels Curry Rouge et Crème (+8€)*

    Mussels with Red Curry and Cream
  • Mussels Citronelle (+8€)*

    Mussels with White Wine, Lemongrass, Ginger and Cream
  • Mussels Espadon (+8€)*

    Mussels with Fish Stock, Cream and Garlic
  • Mussels SM (+8€)*

    Mussels with Fresh Hot Chili Peppers, White Wine, Cream and Tarragon
  • Mussels Corto (+8€)*

    Mussels with Whisky, Ketchup and Fresh Hot Chili Peppers
  • Mussels Johnny (+8€)*

    Mussels with Blue Cheese, White Wine and Cream
  • Mussels Siciliennes (+8€)*

    Mussels with Tomato, Garlic and Italian Herbs
  • Mussels Manneken-Pis (+8€)*

    Mussels with Belgian Gin, Bacon and Mushrooms
  • Mussels Lange Jojo (+8€)*

    Mussels with Brussel’s Cheese, Chicory, Bacon and Cream
  • Mussels à la Thaï (+8€)*

    Mussels with Lemon Grass and Coriandre
  • Mussels Nouckie (+8€)*

    Mussels with Bacon, Mushrooms, Fresh Hot Peppers
  • Mussels Paysannes (+8€)*

    Mussels with cream, Herbs, Bacon and Belgian Gin
  • Mussels Frère Tuck (+8€)*

    Mussels with Triple Modeste Beer
  • Mussels Erotiques (+8€)*

    Mussels with Curry, Ginger, White Wine and Cream
  • Mussels Ketje

    Child Portion - 500 Gr
  • Mussels Kastar

    Preparation of your choice - 1,6 Kg

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